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How To Increase Concentration For Study (4 Easy Ways)
Published by Theta Health in Lifestyle · Thursday 20 Dec 2018
Many students studying (particularly at exam time) are looking for something to help increase concentration for studying, to help them focus better and to absorb information, so they can pass their exams. But what is the best solution? Well, we're going to give you 4 workable tips on how to increase concentration for study without using medications.

One student mentioned that he was ADHD and needed something as strong as Ritalin to help him with his concentration. Asking how long he had been on Ritalin, he said he hadn’t started yet but he had read a lot about it and all the symptoms listed in the marketing literature indicated to him that he was ADHD.

Having checked with him what his diet was like and did he consume a lot of junk foods, alcohol, or other medications? He admitted he did, especially alcohol every weekend and was battling to stop.

There’s a lot of very convincing marketing in our media nowadays pushing harmful psychiatric drugs such as Ritalin or Concerta (to name a couple), claiming to be the modern “miracle drug” that will “solve” concentration problems in children, teenagers or adults.

The unfortunate thing about psychiatric medication is that the small print on the side-effects in their inserts is never really mentioned to the general public.

  • Did you ever read the side effects of Ritalin or Concerta on the inserts? ...Google it and see for yourself.

  • Did you know that the composition of Ritalin is chemically similar to Cocaine? ...yet it is being prescribed to children, even toddlers!

In a nutshell, the side effects of those so-called “solutions” or “miracle drugs” actually, in the long run, end up destroying the liver, kidneys, nervous system and brain. They create a future wooden drugged society barely able to function properly.

VIDEO: Kids in Psychiatry's Cross-Hairs

4 Easy Ways on How to Increase Concentration for Study

Easy Ways on How to Increase Concentration for Study

There can be several causes to concentration problems which could lead to an inability to study, or function optimally at home or in the workplace. Here are a four common reasons and what you can do to regain your focus and concentration:

#1. Stop Eating Junk Foods That Harm Your Study Concentration Levels

Junk Food: If you are eating a lot of junk foods, carbohydrates (sugary foods, fizzy drinks, white bread, pastries, etc.), drinking a lot of alcohol, or taking drugs or medication, you are depleting your body of a lot of vitamins, especially Vitamin B1 which is an essential vitamin for optimal brain function.

Earl Mindell in his book “The Vitamin Bible” says that Vitamin B1 is "known as the ‘morale vitamin’ because of the beneficial effects on the nervous system and mental attitude”.

#2. Get Better Sleep to Improve Your Concentration on Study

Poor Sleep: Lack of adequate sleep is definitely a reason for being unable to concentrate on study or any task that requires focusing. A child under 12 on average needs 10 hours of good sleep a night, a teenager on average 8.5 to 9 hours and an adult 18 years or more should get at least 7-8 hours sleep.

#3. Get Rid of Harmful Gut Bacteria That Prevents Focus on Study

Harmful Gut Bacteria: Believe it or not, a toxic gut also affects brain function. If one is constipated or has a gut full of harmful bacteria one can experience a “foggy brain” feeling. The natural flora of your gut gets depleted through the use of antibiotics or the consumption of too much sugar, alcohol, medication or junk foods which kill the friendly bacteria needed for good digestion. Have you ever had the feeling after having a bowel movement that your head suddenly feels clearer?

Dr David Perlmutter's in his book, Brain Maker: The Power of Gut Microbes to Heal and Protect Your Brain - for Life, explains the following:

“Today most people’s diets are centred on grains and carbs – many of which contain gut-blasting, microbiome-damaging gluten whose downstream effects reach the brain. Even setting aside the gluten factor, one of the main reasons that consuming too many grains and carbs is so harmful is that they spike blood sugar in ways other foods, such as meat, fish, poultry, and vegetables, do not.

The more sugars consumed – even artificial – the sicker the microbiome becomes. You know by now that diets high in sugar and low in fibre, fuel unwanted bacteria and increase the chances of intestinal permeability… immune-system compromise, and widespread inflammation that reaches the brain…A diet that keeps blood sugar balanced keeps gut bacteria balanced. A diet high in rich sources of fibre, which you’ll get from fruits and vegetables, feeds the good gut bacteria and produces the right balance …to keep the gut lining in check.”

#4. Look Up Words to Boost Your Study Ability and Concentration

Not Understanding Words: Going past words you don’t understand in the materials you are studying will definitely make you feel blank, confused and will give you that “brain fog” feeling. It is very important to make sure you understand all the words in the materials you are trying to learn.

Having a good and simple dictionary to hand is vital. Young children should be taught to always ask their teachers and parents to explain and define words for them, and as soon as they are old enough to read, they should learn to use a dictionary. Many types of dictionaries exist for different specialised subjects, not just an English or English and foreign language. Maths for example is a vital subject to have a dictionary for.

People for example study maths till Matric, some claim they have a really hard time with the subject, but when asked for the definition of Maths or Algebra, they give you a frown and blank look. Yet they’ve “studied” maths for years. So having a Maths dictionary which defines Maths terminology in simple language is a real asset in a child’s education and a must in any family’s reference library.

Similarly, if you’re training and studying to be a lawyer or accountant, you should avail yourself of a specialised dictionary that defines the words of the subject in simple terms.

Natural Supplements to Increase Concentration for Study

Supplements to Increase Concentration for Study

So you see, if any of the above applies to you, it’s easy to remedy your study concentration problem without having to resort to expensive mind altering and organ damaging psychiatric drugs, which can have serious long term side effects. They don’t handle the cause of your problem.

Some advice to you is stick to natural remedies, eat a balanced diet rich in protein, fruit and vegetables, low in carbs and high good quality oils (such as coconut oil, cold pressed olive oil or flaxseed oils to name a few). A lot of our foods nowadays are refined and processed and deficient in vitamins and minerals, so vitamin supplementation has become necessary in our daily lives. Don’t confuse vitamins and minerals as drugs or medications, they are food.

  • Taking MAXUP Maxi Mind for example with Omega 3 Oils will give you the vitamins and minerals which are sadly lacking in our modern diets. Maxi Mind is the exact formulation of vitamins and minerals to nourish your brain and help you concentrate and focus. Make sure to also have Omega 3 Oils when taking Maxi Mind as the brain is an oily organ and will produce far better results when taken together.

  • It is also recommended using a probiotic drink for a healthy gut. It will supply your body with enough friendly bacteria to combat the bad bacteria and improve your digestion which in turn improves brain function.

  • And if you are studying, make sure you do not go past words you don’t understand, get them clarified as soon as possible.

If your body is very toxic from years of consumption of junk foods, alcohol and drugs, we can suggest to you some other very effective detox programs. Contact us for more information.

MAXUP Maxi Mind is one of our best vitamin supplements for increasing concentration for studying. It is made with the exact ingredients to help boost brain function.

MAXUP Maxi Mind

Post Sources:
  • "Brain Maker: The Power of Gut Microbes to Heal and Protect Your Brain - for Life", by Dr David Perlmutter.
  • "The Vitamin Bible", by Earl Mindell

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