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Moringa Manpower
Natural Male Performance Supplement
10 Capsules
R 310.00

Moringa Manpower is a natural male performance supplement made using African traditional herbs: a blend of moringa, baobab and sugar cane. Using 100% organic plants, Moringa Manpower capsules help improve men's sexual libido and reduce impotency.

What does Moringa M-Power do?

  • Improves male performance
  • Boosts male sexual libido
  • Prevents erectile dysfunction
  • Naturally enhances sexual performance

Moringa Man-Power can be used for:

Male Performance

Male Impotency

Healthy Sex Life

Erectile Dysfunction

Natural Sexual Enhancer

Male Libido
Improving Sperm Production
Sex Hormone Production
Improving Male Fertility
Directions for use:
Take 1 capsule 4 hours before sexual activity. Do not take more than 1 capsule a day.

Precautions: Do not take Moringa Manpower if you have a serious heart condition or recently suffered from a stroke.
Moringa Powder
Baobab Powder
Sugar Cane Extract

M-Power's Health Benefits

M-Power is a food supplement for men with erectile dysfunction. It works by helping the blood vessels in the penis to relax, allowing for a good flow of blood. The result of this is an improved erectile function. M-Power has also been praised by many users to be very helpful for those with prostate conditions. It is important to note that M-Power works better with usual sexual stimulation.
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