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Muscle Building Aid Herbal Supplement

Muscle Building Aid: Herbal Africa

Herbal Supplement for Muscle Gain
30ml Drops
R 155.00

Muscle Building Aid: Herbal Supplement for Muscle Gain

Muscle Building Aid is a herbal supplement for muscle gain. This natural herbal supplement is used to help build up muscle mass and is recommended for those who have an overactive thyroid or just want to gain weight.

What does Muscle Building Aid do?

  • Promotes increase of muscle mass
  • Assists in weight gain
  • Improves body strength
  • Strengthens weak muscles

Vegan Friendly
Muscle Building Aid can be used for:

Build Muscle Mass

Weak Muscles

Gaining Weight

Improving Body Strength

Overactive Thyroid

Muscle Waste

Recommended use:
Adults: 8 drops taken 3 times daily under the tongue 1/2 hour before meals. Do not overdose.
Contra Indications: Not to be taken during pregnancy. Patients with a hypersensitivity to any of the plant species or ingredients.
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